
"Double Trouble"
Jackie attempts to catch Tracy as she collapses, but looses her grip when she's startled by a knock at the front door. Tracy hits her head directly on the ivory marble floor. Crack-
"Hello, Tracy! It's me Professor Williams! Sorry to bug ya like this. It'll only take a minute- I'm really sorry about coming over like this- I know it's getting quite late. I've got to be back for supper soon anyway myself...." He says from outside the door.
Tracy's gargles "Ugh..", and then she lapses out again. Jackie quickly slaps her hand over Tracy's mouth and whispers, "Keep it quiet sis-"
"Coming!" Jackie yells back towards the door.
Jackie drags Tracy along the floor down the hallway, trying to remain quiet as she moves past the front door. She enters the bathroom with lifeless Tracy and puts her into the bathtub and removes Tracy's wig so harshly, she rips out some of Tracy's real hair.
Then, looking crazily serious in the mirror over the sink nearby, Jackie puts on Tracy's wig herself. She then quickly grabs some of Tracy's lipstick off the counter and gently applies some.
Carefully she proceeds to lock the bathroom door from the inside and then walks out to the front door. She takes one last look in the mirror by the door. She smirks to herself thinking This better work!
Jackie slowly opens up the front door.
"Hi, Professor Williams." Jackie says.
Looking down, the professor says, "Hi Tracy, I'm really sorry to have done this- it's just that there's something weird that's come up unexpectedly and I wanted to share things with you. It's about my son Trevor who I understand gets along quite well with you. I hope you don't mind me calling like this. I request that Trevor give me his friends' phone numbers! Call me crazy that's just the way I like to operate my home."
"OK, sure. Come on in." Jackie says as she ushers the bumbling professor into the living room. She glances down the hall towards the bathroom. The coast is clear.
"Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?" Jackie says walking away as Professor Williams takes a seat.
"Oh, sure, anything to take the cool off of this killer headache I've got! I think global warming is to blame for the weird weather that we've been having over here in this part of the world. Did you notice the rain today? Foxport hasn't had heavy rain like we've had today in over forty years...!" he mumbles.
"Can you tell me what's going on Professor?" Jackie says as she walks back out into the living room with a small glass on scotch on ice. She sits down next to the professor on the sofa.
"Oh, just John please, thanks. Yes. Well, it's about-" the professor finally looks up and quickly notices a framed picture of Tracy and Jackie on the table behind the sofa, next to Jackie's head.
Jackie notices his eyes diverted and looks around and panics. She grabs the photo and looks at it, shielding it from his eyes..
Quickly covering, she says: "What? I look good there don't I? That's what everyone always says... It's because that's when I was happiest. That's my sister. She died two years ago... I'm moving on. It's taken a while. She was wonderful. Life." Jackie confirms.
Professor Williams takes a large sip of his beverage and smiles at her with empathy.
Inside the bathroom, Tracy lays out in the bathtub unable to get up. She can't seem to speak either, but she can hear every lying word that her sister speaks down her own hallway!
At Carey's mansion:
The fire in the kitchen has engulfed the entire room. Billows of smoke start to seep through the swinging door's seams.
Mark Summers who is just waking up comes up from the basement to see the fire in the kitchen. His plan was to surprise Carey in the morning, by hiding in the basement. Some surprise, he thinks. He does not have any idea what's happening in Carey's living room.
Mark yells for Carey, as he frantically swats the fire to try and quell the flames.
Trevor, still not completely alert, makes is way out of Mayberry Park and notices John Saunders across the road. Trevor makes to call out to him, but he collapses in the middle of the street. Whatever it was that caused Trevor to pass out in pain the first time, has now come back.
Coming up Tomorrow...
Cameron meets a mysterious Foxport resident.
As Trevor gets sicker, he and his father butt heads on the risky science experiment.
Professor Williams takes on a new patient.