Trevor realizes, as he gets dressed in his bedroom, that he really has an interest in Tracy as more than just a friend. Can there be some way of letting her know that? Trevor wonders.
While he buttons his shirt looking into the mirror, Trevor slips into another daydream...
Yes, his fantasies of french kissing Tracy passionately one day at the gallery when they are alone, and the other fantasy he keeps having of him and her in Mayberry Park under the Peace Bridge were unarguably growing deeper and harder for him to keep under control. Trevor knows that these feelings are more than a mere common fantasy of a young man with slightly older woman.
Yes, she was sexy and also very physically attractive. That could not be denied. There were also those times that Tracy had let him know in her body language and the way she spoke that made him know that she felt something for him...
Tracy was a Foxport outsider. She is very talented painter, but she is very different from him. Two things that turned him on. Even the way that she had deliberately ignored him sometimes he found wildly playful and amusing.
Still standing in front of the mirror, Trevor's thoughts flow into the one fantasy that keeps him coming back. The one where he is alone with Tracy in the gallery, in her office. She leans over the desk to kiss him. She asks him if he has feelings for her... She says that she wants to be much closer to him. More than friends.
Trevor reminds himself that he is just going over to visit Tracy... or is this going to be the moment that he says to Tracy how he really feels about her? Being around Tracy is something that he both loves and fears. Is there a way that he can erase his fears and just open up to her finally? Perhaps being open about the way he feels towards her is fine. The worst that can happen is that Tracy can say "no". The only problem with that, is that she may want to distance herself from him now she knows how he feels, and that is really not something that Trevor wants. Trevor's greatest fear is to be alone. Is he making a mistake and reading into their relationship too much? Can Trevor's desires be overcome?
Suddenly there is a knock at the bedroom door.
Trevor's father sticks his head in.
"Hi Trevor, sorry to barge in on you like this but I was wondering if you have the test samples that you took with you to the park yesterday... I'm just working on something now that I could really use those park samples for... Do you have 'em?"
Trevor, thinks back to the day before... he collapsed... he remembers walking away.... he had the samples before he's collapsed... Damnit! Could the sensitive test samples still be laying under the tree where I collapsed in Mayberry Park?
Trevor panics.
"I was hoping you would ask that.... I never took any Dad. Just decided to take the day off yesterday really. I'm sorry. I can do that today if you like. It's Sunday. No one is usually in Mayberry Park - it'll be better for getting stuff done without all the distractions!" Trevor says, covering.
"OK, sooner rather than later would be excellent. Things are moving rather quickly with my research" says Professor Williams. "Just bring your samples directly to the lab downstairs when you come back in later. Thanks."
"OK" Trevor says.
"Oh, I'm going to be taking on another patient soon so I really won't have too much time to hang out with you..."
"OK. Dad. That's fine. I gotta get ready to go...." Trevor says thinking to himself: Why on earth would I want to be hanging out with my father?
After his father leaves, Trevor takes one more look in the mirror and notices that his skin is getting worse... It's getting red and pimply. It is like a rash that is spreading to his arms and legs...
After brunch, the redhead returns to her bedroom and takes the lab sample out of the drawer.
She holds it in her hand for a moment...
"I'm not sure who this belongs to, but I will find out" she says to herself and then she throws it into the drawer again.
Tracy explains to Cameron that she wants him to become the father to the child when it is born. Cameron agrees, but Cameron remains curious as to who the father is...
Cameron leaves Tracy's place. As he heads out to his car, he thinks about what Tracy has said upstairs, but he is distracted as he reaches into his pocket to get out his car keys, and finds the roll of film from earlier. He decides to drive directly to the post office to send the film away to get the pictures developed.
Tracy was pregnant, yes, but there was a lot of stuff that Cameron had never gotten a chance to mention about what he had seen in Mayberry Park.
As Cameron is on his way, he has a flashback about the many weird things had happened in the park the day before: The weather, the two girls in school uniforms who he had helped him in desperation-- they were clearly up to something more sinister than a simple walk home from school!
The most curious of them was: Who Trevor was being lead away by? Who was the man who appeared out of nowhere to Trevor's aid? Was there a mysterious hero living the park?
Little does Cameron know that the roll of film that he is getting developed belongs to the mystery cameraman...
Down the road...
Tracy's concern over Cameron's distance spending an increasing amount of time uncovering more about the mysterious photographer, causes her to reach out to a new friend for security and support...
Trevor makes a detour that changes his mind about Tracy on the way to her condo...
After Carey talks to Mark about their relationship she starts questioning whether his heart is in the right place. Concerned, Carey unknowingly turns to Samantha for some emotional support...
Someone new arrives in Foxport.