"Moving on"
Just outside the black iron gate lining the entrance way to Mayberry Park, Trevor is scared beyond belief about getting into the mystery cameraman's car, but he realizes that he needs to get home quickly. He is not feeling well and his father is the only one who knows why. I've collapsed two times for no good reason and I need to find out more from my father about what is going on with The Beethoven Experiment!, Trevor thinks.
"Hey, I'm really glad that you are OK now." says the mysterious cameraman...
Behind them, outside, Cameron races towards toward the parked car on foot and hopes that he can stop Trevor from getting into more trouble. He gets very close just as the mysterious cameraman pulls away with Trevor inside-
"Wait!" Cameron yells.
Seconds later, the two school girls catch up to Cameron....
Inside the car, Trevor is breathing heavily and he is leaning his head back on the seat's headrest with his eyes closed. He is very exhausted.
"I'm really sorry about doing this but I can't help you for very long- are you going to be OK, when you get home? Do you live alone?" he says.
Trevor replies, "No, I'll be alright. I'm going to talk to my father about what's going on at home... what is happening.... OK, yes, I'll be OK, just get me home", Trevor barely gets the words out of his mouth. He manages to lean his head over to look at the mystery man, but his baseball hat is too low over his face for Trevor to get a good look him.
Back near the park, Cameron is running towards his own car with the two girls in tow. He stops short realizing that he can't catch up. He makes a mental note of what the car looked like.
He thanks the two girls for their help, but says that he'll have to let it go- he'll have to tell Tracy, his girlfriend what he's seen happen to Trevor, her co-worker. She might know what's going on, Cameron thinks.
Cameron asks them if they need a ride home. They agree. As he opens the door for both of them, on his way back around to the driver's side, Cameron steps into a puddle of water running along the curb; the sewer system in Foxport has become backed up.
As he looks down to see the damage done to his shoe, he sees a roll of film wedged into the crease in the roadway.

He hops into the car. "OK." he says. "Let's go!".
Both girls in the backseat smile and look at each other.
The redhead puts her hand over her chest adjusting what she found back in the park under the tree- she's stuck into her brazier.
Samantha wonders what she's going to tell her stepmother about what happened the night before with Mark Summers. After all, she did know that Mark Summers was in the house last night, but why couldn't be she tell Carey the truth about what happened?
Inside the kitchen, Mark is successful at putting out the fire. He glances outside the window and looks at Carey and Samantha both. Both women smile... for different reasons.
Mark waves both of them back into the house.
Jackie shuts the front door and quickly removes Tracy's wig. She races into the living room and grabs her purse. She reaches into it, grabs a revolver and proceeds down the hallway toward the bathroom. Tracy is still out cold. She is crouched in the fetal position on the floor in the corner of the bathroom.
Jackie attempts to open the door from outside; the lock is jammed.
"Tracy!!!" Jackie screams. "Open the door please."
Tracy barely moves.
BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Jackie blasts three bullets through the bathroom door, barely missing Tracy's head.
Jackie starts laughing in the dark hallway outside the bathroom. She's got ill-will on her mind.