Wednesday October 31, 2007
Benji walks up slowly from behind...
"That's beautiful."
Tracy bolts around.
"Oh, my god. Thanks. I thought I was the only person around here..." She turns around with eyes wide open.
"I've seen you around here for a while. Mayberry Park is an extraordinary place." Benji says.
"I know, I've been coming here a lot. I've never seen you around before. Are you new to Foxport as well? I just got here not too long ago..."
Benji gets down on one knee and then sits down completely. As he does, he falls over slightly, making Tracy fall to the side a bit as she tries to avoid getting hit by the camera around his neck swinging towards. Her hand flails back causing some of the paint to smudge off the canvas and brush onto Benji's chin.
They let out small bits of comforting laughter...
"Sorry..." Benji apologizes.
Tracy realizes... she's met someone else she could so easily to fall for...
Their eyes meet. Love! Finally....