Cameron is about to knock at the front door, but realizes that the door is open. He can hear Tracy inside... and someone else.
He calls out slightly... but then stops when he hears... Trevor?
Inside the bedroom...
"Trevor, don't be silly... " Tracy giggles." Don't turn around... this isn't the pose I want of you."
Cameron decides to wait quietly in the doorway inside Tracy's condo.
Cameron is still very mad. He walks down the hallway and looks into the room.
He's shocked to see Trevor sitting naked on a small stool in the corner of the room.
Cameron waits a few more seconds before he knocks lightly on the door.
Tracy turns around in terror, thinking Who's in my house?
Tracy doesn't bother to say anything. Her head drops.
Trevor's eyes grow wide. He jolts up. Picks up his clothes and covers himself. Trevor freezes at Cameron's gaze and takes a deep gulp.
No one says anything as Cameron steps into the room-