Wednesday October 31, 2007
Benji walks up slowly from behind...
"That's beautiful."
Tracy bolts around.
"Oh, my god. Thanks. I thought I was the only person around here..." She turns around with eyes wide open.
"I've seen you around here for a while. Mayberry Park is an extraordinary place." Benji says.
"I know, I've been coming here a lot. I've never seen you around before. Are you new to Foxport as well? I just got here not too long ago..."
Benji gets down on one knee and then sits down completely. As he does, he falls over slightly, making Tracy fall to the side a bit as she tries to avoid getting hit by the camera around his neck swinging towards. Her hand flails back causing some of the paint to smudge off the canvas and brush onto Benji's chin.
They let out small bits of comforting laughter...
"Sorry..." Benji apologizes.
Tracy realizes... she's met someone else she could so easily to fall for...
Their eyes meet. Love! Finally....
Tuesday October 30, 2007
"I thought I told you not to eat anything Trevor!" Professor Williams is furious as he stands over Trevor, his son, at the front of his bedroom door.
Trevor is still quite sick from the sight of seeing the decomposing head-
"That", referring to the decomposing head in Trevor's laundry hamper in the corner of the room, ".. is a replica model from one of my friends in Hollywood. It'll actually be used in a horror film with Bruce Willis that's being shot this summer. I wanted to surprise you with a real Hollywood Halloween head this year!"
"Then what the hell is that foul smelling smell then?"
"That is Huntercove's chemical compound. It's a similar smell to cadaverine and putrescine two related diamines that make the real thing smell during the decomposition process..."
"Sick." Trevor moans and walks down the hall to the washroom.
Professor Williams throws the head into the waste bin and exits the room.
Changing the topic, he says "No more eating Trevor. Please. Oh, and, by the way. My new patient is here- he'll be staying in the guest house for some time. His name is Byron. Please make every one of your efforts around the house from now on to helping him feel as comfortable as possible." Trevor hears him as he looks in the washroom mirror.
Trevor splashes his face and hair with ice cold water. He wipes it dry with a towel. As he turns to look out the window, he sees Xavier riding across the field, heading towards the house. Xavier hops off the horse, and heads towards the front.
Xavier and Trevor are not friends.
"What the hell is Xavier doing here?" Trevor mumbles aloud to himself.
He heads back to his room and quickly changes his clothes and heads downstairs. Just as the doorbell rings, Trevor hears the phone ring. He turns to answer it. When he looks back around, Xavier is looking into the narrow window next to the door with one eye giving a cold menacing stare.
"Hello?" Trevor welcomes into the phone.
"Hi Trevor, its me Bryon. I need to speak with you about something. Xavier is acting strange I think he's got a gun-- but I don't quite know why..."
As Trevor looks back around at the door, Xavier is standing inside the house, breathless and waiting. He's come back to Foxport with a mission.
"I'll be right over." Bryon says.
The phone drops from Trevor's hand onto the floor, as Xavier takes a step forward and reaches into his pant pocket. His eyes are sick looking.
Trevor panics!
"Trevor! Trevor!" Byron's worried yells into the phone can be heard bellowing from the handset laying on the dark hardwood floor...
A short distance away, Trevor's body lays lifeless on the floor. A black hole in this shirt has a grey puff of smoke billowing out of it...
Tracy walks into Mayberry Park and sits down on a small grassy patch and takes her small art kit out. The small canvas in her hand is quickly coloured brightly with a few strokes of oil paints. She reaches into the breast pocket of her blazer, and pulls out a photograph of a pretty young woman.
Tracy turns the photo over and reads the note:
Your dearest friend Lauren. Forever...
From behind Tracy, the young mysterious photographer, Benji, watches on. He raises his camera and then slowly lowers it before he makes the decision to slowly walk up to her from behind...
Monday October 29, 2007
After Professor Williams leaves, Xavier and Byron talk some more...
"Yes, well, to be honest, I don't know what the title suggests. My professor father when I was away one summer, found some of my writings and gave me the title, modern philosopher..."
Bryon follows by saying, "Cool. Interesting. I was going to ask you what a modern philosopher meant, anyway!"
They both let out chuckles.
After some time of more bonding:
"Can I see some of your writings some time?" Byron asks, "I'm a poet and most of my stuff I'm not sure you'll really get into, but you're welcome to check it out some time too if you so choose... Poetry and philosophy are quite different, but some might argue and say somewhat similar."
"Certainly." Xavier says.
"O.K., I'll run upstairs now and grab some of my stuff..." Bryon says excitedly as he gets up from the chair and races up the stairs to the first floor.
Xavier smiles in excitement...
How on earth I am going to tell him the truth?, Xavier wonders impatiently as he waits.
"Where have you been?" Professor John Williams asks.
Trevor says, "I was with Tracy for a few days - I was at Tracy's place."
John replies, "You're skin condition is looking better... I hope you are still fasting..."
"Yes, I am." Trevor walks past his father upstairs.
"Thanks son."
As Trevor gets to his floor, he walks down the hallway and can smell something foul coming from his bedroom at the end of the hallway. He walks towards his bedroom. Yes, he hasn't done his laundry, but this smell is something worse than that!
Trevor enters his room and then discovers that his room is just as he's left it, but... the smell still lingers....
Trevor smells closer and he can tell that it is coming from his laundry hamper. As he lifts up a few of his clothes, he discovers a decomposing human head. As he looks over, the few pieces of clothing in his hand are dripping with blood.
Trevor drops them and races out of the room! He yells out to his father, then hurls over and pukes...
Friday October 26, 2007
The white horse blows out two great puffs, he clearly doesn't like being tied up.
"Hi, hello. I'm Xavier."
"Hi, Byron. It's nice to meet you."
Xavier's white long hair is about the only thing that is different from the person who Bryon is standing in front of. As far as he can remember... Byron is sure that this is his old friend, Sebastian.
Xavier is striking. He has white hair, wears a long black leather coat. Tall, curious. Handsome.
"Come in both of you. I'm awaiting to hear what it is that's going on..." Bryon says as the two men walk up the small steps and into the guest house. The professor and Bryon's eyes meet briefly before Byron turns to shut the door behind them...
Now all in the bright, high ceiling living room/ bedroom...
"So tell me. What's going on?" Byron asks.
"I wanted to have you meet Byron because I believe that he has a great deal in common with you and your interests."
Byron and Xavier exchange a smile, friendly.
"What is it that you do Xavier? I may ask?" Byron inquires.
"I'm a great deal many things, but mostly I'm known as a modern philosopher."
"Cool." Byron says. "I'm a poet."
"Nice to meet you." Byron says. "Have a seat."
Byron is sure that something isn't right, but he can't quite put his finger on it....
As Xavier sits down. Byron notices something unusual about the way that Xavier is sitting.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A new day in Foxport....
Byron stands at the window. The scar on his forehead is huge and painful looking.
He takes a sip of his coffee.
Byron had never thought that he would still be alive. When he jumped out of the window it was meant to kill...
Byron has a flashback to what happened the day before... suddenly he's brought back..
There's a knock at the door.
It's Professor Williams.
"Hi Professor. Come in.."
"Byron, I think that I'd like to examine you once more. I believe that there is something underlying you initial condition. I believe that there may be more to your quote-un-quote love sickness. But before that there's someone here to see you. Someone who I think you should meet."
"Sure, where are they?"
"Xavier! Xavier!" he shouts.
Byron looks over the professor's shoulder. Over the small mountain, he sees a young man riding towards the guest house.
Byron thinks that the young man named Xavier riding towards him, is someone who he was close friends with many years before, but his name was not Xavier.
Byron realizes that something fishy is going on...
Wednesday October 24, 2007
Tuesday October 24, 2007
Cameron is about to knock at the front door, but realizes that the door is open. He can hear Tracy inside... and someone else.
He calls out slightly... but then stops when he hears... Trevor?
Inside the bedroom...
"Trevor, don't be silly... " Tracy giggles." Don't turn around... this isn't the pose I want of you."
Cameron decides to wait quietly in the doorway inside Tracy's condo.
Cameron is still very mad. He walks down the hallway and looks into the room.
He's shocked to see Trevor sitting naked on a small stool in the corner of the room.
Cameron waits a few more seconds before he knocks lightly on the door.
Tracy turns around in terror, thinking Who's in my house?
Tracy doesn't bother to say anything. Her head drops.
Trevor's eyes grow wide. He jolts up. Picks up his clothes and covers himself. Trevor freezes at Cameron's gaze and takes a deep gulp.
No one says anything as Cameron steps into the room-
Monday October 21, 2007
As he turns the corner of the guest house, he's shocked to see how much trouble Byron is in. Byron's blood sparkles in the sun.
The professor reaches down and shakes Byron violently trying to revive him.
Byron gargles. His eyes flit open.
The professor realizes to his surprise that Byron is still alive! He drags his body in through the back door, down the small hallway and up the stairs to the small bedroom in the basement.
The professor gets a cold compress and quickly dabs Byron's forehead with it.
Byron isn't in as bad a shape as the professor thought he would be.
"Hang in there, Byron. We'll get you back to health in no time. You'll get over this, I promise you." the professor pleads. Inside the professor knows that he has got a lot of work ahead of him. It's written all over his face.
BONUS DOUBLE FEATURE: Thursday October 18 & Friday October 19, 2007
Byron returns to his room and thinks to himself long and hard. What on earth was he going to do at the Williams' estate while being cured for love sickness?
If only he had told the professor that he needed to discuss things. Too late now...
Yes, Bryon realizes that there is no cure for true-love, but he also realizes that this feeling he has needs to be solved immediately. Why was it so hard to express a love like this? A love like his was rare. Even within Foxport society, it was not uncommon to hear of such things, but there was a strange uniqueness about it all...
Byron sits in the window at the back of the living room. He looks out among the rolling hills at Williams estate and realizes that he is in love. Badly. What should he do? He looks up at the bright sun. He opens the window and climbs out at seats himself. He kicks his feet outside. His legs dangle below. He looks down, and realizes that the drop is too far down to make it without seriously harming himself. Perfect, Byron thinks.
He edges closer out the window. He takes out his pen and paper from his pocket. He writes down on the paper:
"You, you, it has taken too long. My love has grown old, tired, worthless and scorched. For our love cannot exist in a place like this for too long. We need to meet in another place, another time. Be time someone finds this, your love will be mine."
Bryon places the pen and paper on the ledge, and pushes himself out the window.
His body plummets to the ground quickly but gracefully. His white silk shirt ripples loudly in the wind.
The professor hears a thud from the top floor floor office in the main house.
He knows what may have happened. He turns around.
"What on earth was that?" Professor Williams says to himself as he races to the window.
Across the rolling green hills, and down between the trees, he sees Bryon laying face down on the cement paving around the corner at the back of the guest house. A tiny red river runs away from Byron's body.
"Oh my God..." the professor whispers to himself. "Byron!" He pleads, tearing up.

Wednesday October 17, 2007
Byron seats the professor on the guest house porch. "Let's talk."
Professor Williams takes a deep sigh before he says:
"Look Byron, I think I know what it is that makes you love this one that you love so much. I think that whoever it is that you have your eye on still loves you, but they need to know that. They need to know how much you love them. Otherwise, they might become sick, alone and unaware of what your heart really desires."
Bryon knows exactly what he needs to do. He smiles knowingly at the professor.
"You've left me with no choice. I will confess my love no matter what. I'll report back on what happens."
"For now Byron, please stay here. I want to track your progress...."
Bryon isn't sure he likes the idea of staying on the Williams estate to recoup from being love-sick, but he agrees to it anyway.
"Sure." he says.
On the other side of Foxport, Carey is making breakfast in the kitchen. Downstairs in the basement, Samantha and Mark discuss their relationship.
"Oh, Mark, why does she have to know? It's my stepmother, I know. Look, we can tell her in our own time.... The only reason that we're together is because I know that Cameron is cheating on me and I want to make the most of my sex life whilst he's off doing someone else. I want to protect myself - wouldn't you?" Samantha reveals.
Mark gulps.
"I'm young. I'm fun and I'm not going to let some jerk ruin my life. See this?" Samantha says pointing to her engagement ring. "It means nothing. The only person I want to be with is you-"
"Samantha honey, where's Mark, breakfast is ready, tell him and you come down too, wherever you are.... Eggs and toast babe." Carey shouts out.
"Shoot!" Samantha says, just as she's about to kiss Mark. "Go out the back door. Go around the front. Come in and tell her you were out looking at something on the front lawn."
Mark doesn't bother to say anything out of fear of being heard and he exits through the basement door.
Samantha runs over to the long mirror. She takes two red elastic bands and ties a tight ponytail before scooting up the stairs that lead to the kitchen.
When Samantha gets upstairs, she sees Mark kissing Carey passionately. He is leaning her up against the counter top.
He opens one eye and looks at Samantha over Carey's back.
His expression clearly says that he is a man who has the best of both worlds.
Samantha is quick: her face turns from shock to a large droopy pout.
Trevor comes into the mirror from behind... "Tracy I wanted to ask you something."
Tracy turns around.
"I read about you. In the news. Why didn't you tell me about the whole staging your death thing?"
"I didn't want you to know because I didn't think it was necessary. I want a new start here Trevor. I don't want to think about the World. Look, can we just not talk about it? I want to let you know that I'm seeing Cameron. I'm not really supposed to be her with you like this. Yes, he and I have issues, but that still is no excuse for this. I don't want to move to fast."
"Don't worry. I'll take things slow... I've pretty much exhausted my options with girls in Foxport anyway. I don't really have anywhere or anyone to rush onto- if you know what I mean." Trevor says and follows with his trademark smile.
Tracy kisses him on the cheek.
Tuesday October 16, 2007
A new day in Foxport has arrived-- and already it has been hot and steamy. The previous two days have been composed of a very unusual string of events.
Over night, Trevor has fulfilled his long-time fantasy and lost his virginity to Tracy Cinte, the hot young South African woman in town who he has a crush on... Only minutes after waking up from sleeping together, they are back making love. This time on the living room sofa! Only problem: Tracy is pregnant and attached romantically to Cameron Cassaro.
Elsewhere in Foxport...
Bryon wakes up in the Williams' guest house (?) on the living room couch. Bryon rolls over and sees out the front window, Professor Williams outside making his way up the small walkway up to the guest house. Bryton throws on his shirt and runs out to the front door to greet him.
Bryon last remembers talking to the Professor in his office. Why had he fallen asleep in the guest house of all places? Was the Professor keeping him on the grounds for some other reason?
As Byron looks closer, he sees the Professor with a small jar in his hand.
What on earth is going on? Bryon wonders and then realizes: Professor Williams may have found the cure for Byron's new found love.
"Byron, I'm glad that you've slept well last night. I wanted to talk to you a bit more about what we've been speaking about... I may have a better understanding of your love..."
Bryon waits anxiously...
Tracy wakes up and is surprised to hear the shower running.
She wraps herself in the sheets before getting up to walk over to the bathroom. She knocks on the door.
"Hey, I'll be out in one sec..." Trevor says shouting over the shower.
Tracy turns around. What is Trevor doing here? She thinks to herself.
Tracy opens the nearby closet door and quickly puts on some old dark jeans and a white T.
She sits on the bed for a second and thinks about what's happened, i.e., what Trevor is doing in her bathroom.
Tracy gets up and goes into the kitchen. She starts crying as she pours out a glass of orange juice. Tracy notices the pill bottle on the counter next to the sink...
She has a flashback about last night. She realises what has happened. She was sedated because she had taken the wrong pills before heading to bed. She mistook Trevor for Cameron. Too bad there wasn't a pill available that could cure the weird feeling that Tracy has now.
How was she going to explain to Trevor that she slept with him by accident? She suspects that Trevor is a virgin. Never in her wildest dreams does Tracy think that she would have ever wanted to sleep with a good friend. After all, Tracy sees Trevor as her young student. Truthfully, the fact that they were even friends was a stretch.
It was nice though the way that he took control in everything. He was eager in a way that only someone without experience could have been.
Trevor has quietly come into the kitchen. He has a lily-white towel around his waist and sneaks up to Tracy from behind.
He kisses her on the back of the head. Tracy turns around.
Trevor looks like a new man.
"Trevor, we need to talk, OK?" Tracy says scoldingly as she walks past him into the living room.
Trevor exits thorough the other kitchen door way and is in the living room before Tracy gets there. Trevor, still half naked and wet, takes no issue with his present condition and kicks his feet up on the coffee table.
"What's up?!" Trevor says, smiling from ear-to-ear inside.
Tracy makes her way over to him. She isn't sure what to say. She knows that what happened was purely a mistake. Whatever she said last night she was now responsible for. Here, now, Tracy looks into Trevor's eyes and realizes deep down that even though she is going to have to say that she regrets what happened, she secretly would love to have him disrobe continue where they left off.
"Trevor, I took the wrong medicine last night and I was completely out of it. I'm sorry about last night."
"That's fine. Now probs whatsoever. I had fun for every minute of it!"
Trevor gets up off the couch and his towel drops.
"Oops." Trevor says. He goes against his better judgement and walks over to Tracy and kisses passionately on the lips...
Tracy's T-shirt gets wet from Trevor's glistening pecs.
They fall unto the couch and pick up where they left off.
Trevor can't wait to do it all over again.
Tracy thinks that she may have found the remedy for this feeling she's feeling now and about everything else going on (the pregnancy, Cameron). Everything about Trevor represents the cure. Trevor is so much more than a guy friend with benefits, Tracy realizes in every way now.
The Characters - Meeting "Map" Stars Contest!

Want to meet the characters in the real world from "Map of the World"?
Check back this week for details on how you can write to and maybe meet one or more of the stars from the series in real life this coming January!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tracy takes two sleeping pills and decides to get some rest... It's nearly midday now.
She has been awake for nearly over 24 hours! The stresses over that time have been enormously overwhelming. She steps out onto the balcony. She takes in a breath, and takes a deep exhale...
She turns around and goes back into her bedroom. She lays down on her bed and slowly drifts off to sleep....
Trevor, outside in the walkway makes his way up to Tracy's door, notices it ajar. He waits while the woman at the end of the hall enters her unit before he calls out gently...
Nothing. Trevor opens the door slowly whilst calling out again several times as he enters the condo. He has been to her house once before. He takes a right and heads down the small hallway like he remembers the first time leads to her bedroom.
Tracy's bedroom door is cracked. She is asleep. Trevor opens the door a bit more and sees Tracy laying out. Her soft silk gown has come undone. The top half has slipped down revealing what Trevor had imagined so many times before. Perfection. The rest of Tracy's body is lightly covered. Every curve of her form is highlighted by the soft glow of the reflected light off the nearly seethough silk.
Unexpectedly, Tracy rolls over, caiusing the gown to come down some more. Nearly nude now, Trevor takes a step back to calm himself and contemplates what he should do. He's an intruder. Would Tracy mind if I see her naked in that condition? Trevor fantasies about what he should do...
He opens the door bravely, takes off his shirt, whispers loudly.
'Tracy, it's me Trevor..."
Tracy is shocked. She tries to open her eyes. Squinting she looks over at him and tries to make out the figure in the dim room.
Trevor walks over to the bed. He whispers into her ear. Tracy giggles. Trevor climbs into the bed and the two roll over.
Tracy lets out a moan of esctacy. Trevor grunts lightly... pretty soon, Trevor knows he'll no longer be a virgin.
October 11, 2007
Byron is anxious to speak with Professor John Williams. It has been a while since they last were last together.
Now in the basement laboratory, Byron becomes calm and controlled; Byron eagerly wants to know more about why the Professor has called him.
As the Professor reaches into his filing cabinet, Byron turns around and stands next to the black leather sofa next to the door. The sun is shining bright in through the basement window...
Professor John sits down. He opens the file. He takes a moment to read the contents.
As he waits, Byron drifts off thinking about his love letter. Could he reveal who his love was? What would the Professor think now?
The mysterious cameraman closes the door to his living quarters. His room is dirty, dark, damp.
He sets down his large camera and takes off his baseball hat. The scar that lines his cheek remains pale while the rest of his face is flush and hot.
He removes this clothing. He uses his shirt to whip off the sweat. He is dripping wet.
He lays down on the mat on the floor.
He gets up and looks at the wall where several of his photos are hanging. Pictures of Tracy are everywhere. He takes one off the wall and returns to his bed. He places the photo on the floor next to his head. It's a picture of Trevor and Tracy together on the cafe patio....
"I'm going to show you Tracy how much I like you... You've captured my heart. No one has ever captured the heart of Benji before. I'm going to make you mine no matter what. "
Benji, (the mysterious cameraman) slowly closes his eyes a few times before slowly drifting off to sleep.
Trevor takes a detour on the way over to Tracy's house to question her why she hasn't told him about her staged death. If they are friends, Trevor thinks, he should know at least that about her. He wants to know why she would keep that important part of her past a secret.
Curious, Trevor wants to see if the lab sample that he's left behind the day before is still there.
To his surprise the lab sample is gone!
Who would have been here? Yes, I collaped in pain and passed out for a few moments herr under the tree and forgotten to take the samples when I got up, but Mayberry Park is enormous. Someone must have seen me here.... Cameron! Trevor remembers that Cameron was in the park yesterday afternoon. He must have seen him after he collaped, and taken the sample.
It all comes rushing back: Trevor recalls in quick flashes how he had hidden for cover behind the tree when he saw Tracy and Cameron come out from under the Peace Bridge nearby. Seconds before that Trevor remembers taking the samples for his father under the tree... and then that's when he heard two people having an argument. He had come in a bit closer to hear... Tracy ran out. Cameron stoped short of coming out because it had started to rain. He hid. That's when he passed out. Cameron must have taken the sample when Trevor was passed out...
Trevor races out of the park and heads to Tracy's house. He is going to tell her that he suspects Cameron may have taken the lab sample. But why? Trevor questions himself.
Trevor only knows one thing for sure: having that sample is dangerous. Very dangerous. Who ever has it...
October 10, 2007
Trevor walks down the staircase. He puts on his jacket and opens the door...
He is startled when he sees a young man with his arm extended about to knock. He almost knocks Trevor on the arm. Trevor afraid of having his rash touched, pulls back.
"Hello? Can I help you?" Trevor asks.
"Yes. I was wondering if Professor Williams is home. I was told I could easily go around to the back, but I found a hard time finding the door... Is he here?"
Trevor nods yes. "Dad! There's someone here at the door who wants to see you!"
Far off in the distance, downstairs, Professor Williams yells out. "Oh yes. Show him in please."
Trevor turns around and says to the young man: "OK, please come in. Looks like my father is busy. He'll up in a second."
Trevor waits impatiently for a few moments at the door as the young man walks into the foyer and turns around noticing that Trevor isn't behind him. Trevor takes a look at the young man and suddenly excuses himself when he looks around:
"I was just on my way out. Make yourself at home." Trevor says before he exits.
Alone, the young man looks around confidently at the grandeur of the house. He takes a small piece of paper out of his pocket. He looks at it. (This is the same young man who has written the poem.) He recites it under his breath.
Behind him, Professor Williams appears in the back and listens carefully as the poet reads aloud to himself.
Professor Williams takes a step forward and says:
Bryon turns around and smiles gently. He tucks the poem back into his pocket. Professor Williams can tell he has something important to tell him.
October 9, 2007
A fresh-faced handsome young man looks out the window onto his courtyard below.
His gaze is locked on the flowers that lay below. His mind is dreaming...
Pen and paper in hand he begins to write:
"I'll wait for you when we can love together.
A time when we can kiss and melt forever. Finally...
Perhaps in this endless time and this endless space we shall meet again?
Here, nothing matters, not even words.
Kissing with passion is all we'll say after the long wait.
Sending messages with our swollen lips with a wet, breathless open-mouthed kiss.
Taking in each other, just me- but more of you.
Why would we stop? It's not like we never knew."
He takes a moment to reflect.
As the young poet blinks, a tear flicks out of his eye onto his cheek.
A sticky glistening line glides down his face and disappears into the corner of his mouth.
There is someone new in Foxport.
October 8, 2007

Trevor realizes, as he gets dressed in his bedroom, that he really has an interest in Tracy as more than just a friend. Can there be some way of letting her know that? Trevor wonders.
While he buttons his shirt looking into the mirror, Trevor slips into another daydream...
Yes, his fantasies of french kissing Tracy passionately one day at the gallery when they are alone, and the other fantasy he keeps having of him and her in Mayberry Park under the Peace Bridge were unarguably growing deeper and harder for him to keep under control. Trevor knows that these feelings are more than a mere common fantasy of a young man with slightly older woman.
Yes, she was sexy and also very physically attractive. That could not be denied. There were also those times that Tracy had let him know in her body language and the way she spoke that made him know that she felt something for him...
Tracy was a Foxport outsider. She is very talented painter, but she is very different from him. Two things that turned him on. Even the way that she had deliberately ignored him sometimes he found wildly playful and amusing.
Still standing in front of the mirror, Trevor's thoughts flow into the one fantasy that keeps him coming back. The one where he is alone with Tracy in the gallery, in her office. She leans over the desk to kiss him. She asks him if he has feelings for her... She says that she wants to be much closer to him. More than friends.
Trevor reminds himself that he is just going over to visit Tracy... or is this going to be the moment that he says to Tracy how he really feels about her? Being around Tracy is something that he both loves and fears. Is there a way that he can erase his fears and just open up to her finally? Perhaps being open about the way he feels towards her is fine. The worst that can happen is that Tracy can say "no". The only problem with that, is that she may want to distance herself from him now she knows how he feels, and that is really not something that Trevor wants. Trevor's greatest fear is to be alone. Is he making a mistake and reading into their relationship too much? Can Trevor's desires be overcome?
Suddenly there is a knock at the bedroom door.
Trevor's father sticks his head in.
"Hi Trevor, sorry to barge in on you like this but I was wondering if you have the test samples that you took with you to the park yesterday... I'm just working on something now that I could really use those park samples for... Do you have 'em?"
Trevor, thinks back to the day before... he collapsed... he remembers walking away.... he had the samples before he's collapsed... Damnit! Could the sensitive test samples still be laying under the tree where I collapsed in Mayberry Park?
Trevor panics.
"I was hoping you would ask that.... I never took any Dad. Just decided to take the day off yesterday really. I'm sorry. I can do that today if you like. It's Sunday. No one is usually in Mayberry Park - it'll be better for getting stuff done without all the distractions!" Trevor says, covering.
"OK, sooner rather than later would be excellent. Things are moving rather quickly with my research" says Professor Williams. "Just bring your samples directly to the lab downstairs when you come back in later. Thanks."
"OK" Trevor says.
"Oh, I'm going to be taking on another patient soon so I really won't have too much time to hang out with you..."
"OK. Dad. That's fine. I gotta get ready to go...." Trevor says thinking to himself: Why on earth would I want to be hanging out with my father?
After his father leaves, Trevor takes one more look in the mirror and notices that his skin is getting worse... It's getting red and pimply. It is like a rash that is spreading to his arms and legs...
After brunch, the redhead returns to her bedroom and takes the lab sample out of the drawer.
She holds it in her hand for a moment...
"I'm not sure who this belongs to, but I will find out" she says to herself and then she throws it into the drawer again.
Tracy explains to Cameron that she wants him to become the father to the child when it is born. Cameron agrees, but Cameron remains curious as to who the father is...
Cameron leaves Tracy's place. As he heads out to his car, he thinks about what Tracy has said upstairs, but he is distracted as he reaches into his pocket to get out his car keys, and finds the roll of film from earlier. He decides to drive directly to the post office to send the film away to get the pictures developed.
Tracy was pregnant, yes, but there was a lot of stuff that Cameron had never gotten a chance to mention about what he had seen in Mayberry Park.
As Cameron is on his way, he has a flashback about the many weird things had happened in the park the day before: The weather, the two girls in school uniforms who he had helped him in desperation-- they were clearly up to something more sinister than a simple walk home from school!
The most curious of them was: Who Trevor was being lead away by? Who was the man who appeared out of nowhere to Trevor's aid? Was there a mysterious hero living the park?
Little does Cameron know that the roll of film that he is getting developed belongs to the mystery cameraman...
Down the road...
Tracy's concern over Cameron's distance spending an increasing amount of time uncovering more about the mysterious photographer, causes her to reach out to a new friend for security and support...
Trevor makes a detour that changes his mind about Tracy on the way to her condo...
After Carey talks to Mark about their relationship she starts questioning whether his heart is in the right place. Concerned, Carey unknowingly turns to Samantha for some emotional support...
Someone new arrives in Foxport.
October 4, 2007
Trevor sits at his computer looking at various international news headlines.
He notices a story about The Billion Dollar Bride. As he reads more, he discovers that the woman in the photos is... Tracy?!
Why had she not told him about it?
Trevor does know that Foxport is a destination for the rich and wealthy. It certainly wasn't the first time nor the last that someone was going to fake their death and/ or disappearance and escape to Foxport to live a decent, peaceful life.
Why, though, had Tracy been secretive about the whole thing? Trevor was really her only friend in town.
What could be the reason? Was there something in Tracy's past that she's trying to keep secret from people in Foxport?
Trevor turns off his computer and decides to pay Tracy a little visit...

October 3, 2007
The news that Tracy is pregnant is a shock, and is something that Cameron Cassaro is not quite ready to hear. He has come over to discuss being engaged to another woman!
Where all this mess began, was really not something that Cameron was up to thinking about at the present moment. Clearly there were other more pressing issues besides their fight in Mayberry Park that they needed to talk about now. Breaking off a relationship is one thing, being pregnant is another more important matter.
Cameron barely has the time to think about things when, as he looks back up, he sees Tracy seated at her vanity dresser with the drawer open. She calls him over gently.
She holds the handle of the dresser drawer and opens it very, very slowly.
Inside are three home pregnancy test strips. All positives.
Cameron covers his mouth for a brief second before stepping back. He knows that if she is not ready for a baby, he certainly is not. He decides that he needs to tell her right away this fact. He needs to know who the child belongs to too. He knows that there is a bigger story behind the pregnancy. What was happening?
Cameron Cassaro is sure of one thing: the child Tracy is carrying is not his.
Tracy looks dead in the mirror. Cold, blank, expressionless.
October 2, 2007
Trevor decides to get an early start on the day. After all, he can't sleep in his condition. In the kitchen he runs into his father, Professor Williams, pouring a cup of coffee. Apparently, he too has had a sleepless night.
Trevor and him make eyes briefly.
Trevor is the first to speak-
"Dad, listen I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll always love you as a father and I'm willing to accept the mistakes that have happened." Trevor pauses. "I'm willing to live with your mistake", Trevor confesses.
Professor Williams takes a deep sigh and gulps down a huge sip of hot coffee before exiting the kitchen.
Trevor turns to the window and reflects on the weightiness of what is happening.
Tracy looks out of her bedroom window reflecting on the last 24 hours.
Cameron enters the room behind her. He notices the clock on the floor and the destroyed painting. The room is a mess he remarks to himself.
"What happened in here?" Cameron asks.
Tracy continues to look out the window. She ties her robe tighter and gently touches her stomach. Cameron doesn't know. Not yet.
Tracy turns around and faces Cameron.
"Look, I think it's best that we leave things where we left them in the park yesterday. I don't think this is really something that I want to be getting into right now... I love you I have shared the same bed with you and honestly what's happening right now it too much for me."
Cameron takes a step closer... He can tell that there is something more going on.
Tracy says, "Cameron, I'm pregnant."
Back at Carey's mansion it's been another sleepless night, Samantha is helping Mark clear the living room.
Carey is now upstairs in her bedroom taking the call.
Samantha tells Mark that she would rather they keep things quiet about what happened the night before. They think that Carey will be upset by the news, if she were to be told by either of them.
Mark kisses Samantha on the lips. The kiss grows more passionate. He opens her blouse. Lust overcomes him. He knows that Carey is upstairs but he feels things can be quick enough with Samantha. One kiss.
We can do this right here in the living room if we are quick enough, Mark realizes.
Nothing in Samantha's body question's Marks move. She's encouraging him to move fast and quick.
Samantha closes her eyes and breathes out a sigh of release as Mark towers over her on the carpet and presses his body into hers. The rumble on the floor gets caught in their clothes; it goes unnoticed...
They both want one thing: each other. Now.